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The concentrated formula of OxyKids Forte helps protect the health of our children, keeping their bodies clean and healthy. Plants known for their beneficial effects on the body have been combined. It is effective at controlling nervous system changes, especially in younger children, such as night terrors, nervousness and hyperactivity as well as digestive problems such as; loss of appetite, diarrhea, and colic. It also contains essential vitamins and fatty acids for proper development.
La fórmula concentrada de OxyKids Forte ayuda a proteger la salud de nuestros hijos, mantener su cuerpo limpio y sano. Se han combinado plantas conocidas por sus efectos beneficiosos en el cuerpo. Es eficaz en el control de cambios en el sistema nervioso, especialmente en los niños más pequeños, como terrores nocturnos, nerviosismo, hiperactividad y problemas digestivos tales como; pérdida de apetito, diarrea y cólicos. También contiene vitaminas esenciales y ácidos grasos para el correcto desarrollo.
*Hyperactivity *Purify the Blood *Strengthens Respiratory and Digestive Systems (Diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps) *Anti-Bacterial *Regenerates Skin *Combat Acne *Nervousness *Fright Night/Night Terrors
* Hiperactividad * purifica la sangre * fortalece respiratorio y sistema digestivo (diarrea, vómitos y calambres) * Anti-Bacterial * regenera la piel * combatir acné * nerviosismo * Fright Night/Night Terrors
*Cedron - Kidron *Alfalfa *Diente de Leon - Dandelion *Nettle - Ortiga *Espinaca - Spinach *Melissa *Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, and B6 *Aceite Esencial - Mint Essential Oil *Aceite Esencial de Hierbabuena - Spearmint Oil
- Results vary from person to person.
-These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This product does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."